Volunteering Opportunity (Teas & Toddles)
Article Written:We are looking for a friendly and enthusiastic person, who would enjoy volunteering at our Teas & Toddles sessions, based at our community allotment, Root ‘N’ Fruit.
Teas & Toddles is an outdoor toddler group for children to explore and learn in an outdoor natural setting. These sessions are aimed at under 5’s and their parent/carer/guardians, to encourage interaction, socialisation, nature play and healthy eating. Activities can include, but are not limited to, messy play, nature craft, imaginitive play, taste testing, bug/scavenger hunts, and general gardening.
Teas & Toddles runs every Wednesday from Spring to Autumn 9.30am – 11.30am. The first session for 2024 is Wednesday 10th April.
Any potential candidates for this role will need to be available from 9am – 12pm on Wednesdays. Attendance every week is not necessary however staff will need to know in advance any sessions you are not available to volunteer at.
You can apply for this role online by clicking here. If you require a paper form, pop into our community hub and ask for a volunteering application form or download a copy here to print at home.
Click below to download the full role description for Tea’s & Toddles Volunteer.