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Great Big Green Week Roundup

Secret Garden planters

Great Big Green Week Roundup

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Great Big Green Week is national network of community-based events celebrating and caring for our natural world, and we did plenty of that around Middleport this week.

The Eco Club families share their work

Eco Club invited their friends, families, teachers, etc to come and view their work at their Eco Festival. It was a bustling afternoon full of smiles as the children showed off their work and introduced neighbours to some of the games we play. There were habitats in boxes, vegan snacks, and even a short video made for the event.

Eco Club have done so much! I’m so impressed!


At the Canalside Cleanup, we collected ten bags of litter. We also tidied up the planters at the Secret Garden, planting some over-winter greenery and some bulbs ready for spring. Men’s Club helped out with the litter picking, while Canal & River Trust fished litter out of the water and cut back some overgrown trees by the tow path. Some Year 5 students from Saint Nathaniel’s Academy also came along and were enthusiastic helpers with the litter picking and the Secret Garden.

Watching the Canal & River Trust work boat go by
Saint Nathaniel’s Year 5 children at the Secret Garden

To round off the week, we spent some time in a very rainy but still lovely allotment at Root’n’Fruit. We made scent bags with rosemary grown on site, looked at the rainwater catch systems, and talked about the compost toilet. We picked and ate the very freshest grapes off our vine – fruit with zero food miles!

Exploring the Root’n’Fruit Community Garden

Root’n’Fruit is my calm place.

Pam, local resident
Making scent bags

All in all, we’ve had a lovely week learning about our world, offering our local area some TLC and benefiting from being in green spaces.