Eco Lifestyle Stakeholder Event
Article Written:Representatives from the local primary school, Stoke City council, funding partners and more gathered to discuss the Eco Lifestyle Project and where to take things next.
The Eco Lifestyle Project has been running for nearly two years and funding is coming to an end. Stakeholders were invited to join the Middleport Matters team to celebrate the successes, share the barriers and learning, and discuss future possibilities.

The funding for the project came from Cadent Foundation (project running costs) and Middleport Environment Charity (purchase of property). Representatives of both funding partners spoke to the assembled stakeholders to explain their interest in the project thank everyone for their involvement.

The Middleport Matters team had prepared a number of displays and interactive activities for attendees to get involved with. These covered areas such as how to get more people doing Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Visitors were asked to vote for their favourite type of green space development. They were invited to share their own barriers to using greener options such as public transport and zero waste shops. There was also a display explaining the Eco Lifestyle project. A member of Middleport Matters was available at each stand to discuss them in more detail and facilitate conversation.

Everyone was invited to make a pledge for what they personally will do to help the environment. Some pledges were very personal, focusing on individual or household choices. Others were around what they could do professionally and as part of their organisations to make a bigger impact. All were positive and thoughtful and we very much hope to hear back on how they go.